function shortMonthArray() { this[0] = "Enero"; this[1] = "Febrero"; this[2] = "Marzo"; this[3] = "Abril"; this[4] = "Mayo"; this[5] = "Junio"; this[6] = "Julio"; this[7] = "Agosto"; this[8] = "Septiembre"; this[9] = "Octubre"; this[10] = "Noviembre"; this[11] = "Diciembre"; return (this); } function getlongYear(year){ year = d.getYear(); if (year < 1000) year+=1900; return year; } function writeDate(){ shortMonths = new shortMonthArray(); d = new Date(); day = d.getDate(); month = d.getMonth(); year = d.getYear(); str = day+ " de " +shortMonths[month] + " de "+getlongYear(year); document.writeln(str); } function newWindow(a_str_windowURL, a_str_windowName, a_int_windowWidth, a_int_windowHeight, a_bool_scrollbars, a_bool_resizable, a_bool_menubar, a_bool_toolbar, a_bool_addressbar, a_bool_statusbar, a_bool_fullscreen) { var int_windowLeft = (screen.width - a_int_windowWidth) / 2; var int_windowTop = (screen.height - a_int_windowHeight) / 2; var str_windowProperties = 'height=' + a_int_windowHeight + ',width=' + a_int_windowWidth + ',top=' + int_windowTop + ',left=' + int_windowLeft + ',scrollbars=' + a_bool_scrollbars + ',resizable=' + a_bool_resizable + ',menubar=' + a_bool_menubar + ',toolbar=' + a_bool_toolbar + ',location=' + a_bool_addressbar + ',statusbar=' + a_bool_statusbar + ',fullscreen=' + a_bool_fullscreen + ''; var obj_window =, a_str_windowName, str_windowProperties) if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4) { obj_window.window.focus(); } } function leapTo (link) { var new_url = link; window.location = new_url; } NavName = navigator.appName.substring(0,3); NavVersion = navigator.appVersion.substring(0,1); if (NavName != "Mic" || NavVersion>=4) { start = new Date; start = start .getTime(); } function loadtime() { if (NavName != "Mic" || NavVersion>=4) { end = new Date; end = end.getTime(); seconds = (end-start )/1000; if (seconds>1) { window.status='Page loaded in ' + seconds + ' seconds.'; } else{window.status='Page loaded in ' + seconds + ' second.';} } } //This Function actually adds the Page to favorites function bookmarksite(title, url){ if((document.all)&&(!window.opera)){ window.external.AddFavorite(url, title); } else if ((typeof window.sidebar == "object") && (typeof window.sidebar.addPanel == "function")){ window.sidebar.addPanel(title, url, false) } } function bookmarksite2(title, url,label){ if((document.all)&&(!window.opera)){ window.external.AddFavorite(url, title); } else if ((typeof window.sidebar == "object") && (typeof window.sidebar.addPanel == "function")){ window.sidebar.addPanel(label, url, "") } } //This Function Writes the Add to Favorites Link function FavoritesLink(domain,version){ if(version){ var favs_text = (''); } else{ var favs_text = (' Agrega Hispanópolis a Tus Favoritos'); } if((document.all)&&(!window.opera)){//IE var olink = (''+favs_text+''); document.write(olink); } else if ((typeof window.sidebar == "object") && (typeof window.sidebar.addPanel == "function")){ var olink = (''+favs_text+''); document.write(olink); } else if(window.opera){//Opera document.write(''+favs_text+''); } //Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/XX (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/YY else{document.write(''+favs_text+'');} } function FavoritesLink2(domain,txt,title){ favs_text = ''+txt; if((document.all)&&(!window.opera)){//IE var olink = (''+favs_text+''); document.write(olink); } else if ((typeof window.sidebar == "object") && (typeof window.sidebar.addPanel == "function")){ var olink = (''+favs_text+''); document.write(olink); } else if(window.opera){//Opera document.write(''+favs_text+''); } //Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/XX (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/YY else{document.write(''+favs_text+'');} } function SetHomePage(domain,version){ if(version){ var hp_text = (''); } else{ var hp_text = ('  Haz Hispanópolis tu Página Inicial'); } if((document.all)&&(!window.opera)){ var olink = (''+hp_text+''); document.write(olink); } else if(!window.opera){ var olink = (''+hp_text+''); var html = olink; html += (''); html += ('
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